Article of the Year 2020 of Shock and Vibration journal for work co-authored by AMEplus

The inaugural Article of the Year Award for Shock and Vibration journal for 2020 was granted to the article co-authored by AMEplus: „Development and Verification of the Diagnostic Model of the Sieving Screen” by Pavlo Krot, Radoslaw Zimroz, Anna Michalak, Jacek Wodecki, Szymon Ogonowski, Michal Drozda, and Marek Jach. The Chief Editor Dr. Huu-Tai Thai selected this article for the following reasons: “This article has been selected due to its significant contributions in fault diagnoses of vibrating machines used in the mining industry. Its content is also well aligned with the journal’s scope, and is expected to be of significant interest to the research community.” We encourage you to read this […]

AMEplus has joined EIT RawMaterials community

To continue its progress in R&D domain AMEplus has joined EIT RawMaterials community as a Project Partner. EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. It unites more than 120 core and associate partners and 180+ project partners from leading industry, universities and research institutions from more than 20 EU countries. Presence in such a community gives us unique opportunities to join innovative research projects, to become part of a solution for most pressing problems in the sector of raw materials and to extend our R&D capabilities. As a first action in the new community, AMEplus has joined a consortium of six European […]

Cavity preservation control system for Skoda

In the year 2018, we have implemented a control system for cavity preservation station at Skoda plant in Mlada Boleslav. Its aim is to provide protection of interior spaces inside car bodies against corrosion. During the process car bodies are preheated in the oven, transported into flood basin, where liquid hot wax is automatically applied into their cavities via nozzles. The excessive material gets into the collective tank, from where it can be reused. After cooling on car bodies remains a protecting thin layer of hardened wax.

AUTOMATICON – Report from the fair

The SYSMEL electromagnetic mill and the robot drawing the faces of guests were the biggest attraction of our stand. Many exhibitors presented a number of innovations during Automaticon organized on 14-17 March 2017 at the EXPO XXI Center in Warsaw. However, in one area, the current edition was a little different in refference to previous years – the number of industrial robots were presented. In total more than fifty robots of fourteen manufacturers, with ten of them having their own stands. According to organizer of the fair: Robotic applications were also demonstrated at the stands of the integrators and in the technological equipment offered. Some of the robots were featured in typical applications […]

Science Innovation Business

AMEplus is a science sponsor The idea of ​​the “Science-Innovation-Business” conference was born to inspire local entrepreneurial and research communities to think in the perspective of innovation and increase the efficiency of new technologies. On the one hand, it is supposed to be a place to listen to lectures of people who have achieved success in the field of innovation, and to provide a platform for exchanging views and ideas between science and the business world. The conference was held on 5 December 2016 at the Technical-Humanistic Academy in Bielsko-Biała. Its main speaker and patron of the conference was the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin. AMEplus was one of the […]