To continue its progress in R&D domain AMEplus has joined EIT RawMaterials community as a Project Partner. EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. It unites more than 120 core and associate partners and 180+ project partners from leading industry, universities and research institutions from more than 20 EU countries.
Presence in such a community gives us unique opportunities to join innovative research projects, to become part of a solution for most pressing problems in the sector of raw materials and to extend our R&D capabilities.

As a first action in the new community, AMEplus has joined a consortium of six European representatives of academia, research and business sector in the up-scaling project entitled „Operation monitoring of mineral crushing machinery”. The project focuses on the development of a combined monitoring and diagnostic system to improve maintenance of mineral crushing machines. This new product will lead to cost-saving extended maintenance intervals and increased operational availability. The proposed solution is based on updating existing monitoring systems, retrofitting of new components and fusion of available data to assure high performance data processing for reliable decisions. The motivation for this project is the urgent need to improve the performance and overall efficiency of the machinery used in processing of raw materials. It is inspired by the positive results obtained from a number of previous projects focused on research aspect and innovations developed by consortium members with respect to machine maintenance and failure prediction. The idea is to combine experience from research units: Tampere University of Technology (project leader), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and KGHM Cuprum, capabilities of machines and technology provider Metso Minerals, end-user experience and needs KGHM PM S.A. with recent software and hardware solutions of AMEplus, developed for mineral processing industry. The project results will be demonstrated in two pilot installations. First one will be located in one of KGHM enrichment plants to test technology in real conditions and second in Metso’s premises with real mineral feed into the crusher.