The SYSMEL electromagnetic mill and the robot drawing the faces of guests were the biggest attraction of our stand.
Many exhibitors presented a number of innovations during Automaticon organized on 14-17 March 2017 at the EXPO XXI Center in Warsaw.
However, in one area, the current edition was a little different in refference to previous years – the number of industrial robots were presented. In total more than fifty robots of fourteen manufacturers, with ten of them having their own stands. According to organizer of the fair:
Robotic applications were also demonstrated at the stands of the integrators and in the technological equipment offered. Some of the robots were featured in typical applications for the fair, such as dice and portraiture. The role of these applications was to draw attention to the extraordinary capabilities of robots and their universality.
We are delighted that our robot has been spotted and the stall has hosted many visitors every day who are interested in our products and want to get their robot image. Thank you for your time and a meeting at the AUTOMATICON 2017 automation fair in Warsaw. It was a very rich experience for us, which we hope will result in further cooperation in the future.