Hydrotechnical objects

The company specializes in monitoring and remote control with use of the radio contact including  the mobile telephony network GSM/GPRS. AMEplus offers telemetric systems of formulations and water objects control which communicate with microprocessor modules of electric protections such as CU3, THE MP204 produced by GRUNDFOS which secure pumps drives.

AMEplus realized, in the co-operation with Searchingly-Developmental Centre Building Mining “Budokop” in the Mysłowice, the project of the net measuring: ASTKZ (Automatic System of Technical Dam Control). The net measuring concerns  the reservoir of water power station “Wióry” which is situated in Doły Biskupie in Świętokrzyskie province. The system includes 21 measuring cabinets which are placed on the crown and inside the dam (in the gallery). This system for the dam condition control gather  the hundreds measurements as for example: the waters level, the pressure of porous waters, tensions in core of dam, deformations of the core of dam, the temperature of water. The project includes the implementation of the system to collect and archive measured data and making data accessible by internet server. AMEplus, in the co-operation with company Elektromontaż Rzeszów, also started AKP dam control system. Monitoring and control the dam equipment operation includes the control of the position of bolts segments, water levels control as well as monitoring  the electric  power supply systems.

The range of monitoring and control of hydro technical objects includes:

  • Monitoring of hydrometric measuring stations and the measurement station of states of waters, weirs and sluices on rivers
  • Remote control of formulations of water and objects which fertilize the water, the intermediate pumping station of sewerages (contact: by telephone, radio in a trunking network , in the network of GSM – options SMS and Data Transfer)
  • Monitoring tensions and the deformation of origin in geo-technical measuring nets
  • Measurements made in fuel bases
  • Oiled liquid treatment
  • Sewages treatment
  • Dams on the river

Datalogger VWS

Datalogger with dedicated spectrum analyzer software designed to collect measurements of signals from vibrating wire sensors. more>


Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej, Wrocław

Monitoring and control Dams on the river Odra in Kędzierzynie-Koźle and Opole.

Energetyka, Lubin

Monitoring tensions and the deformation of origin in geo-technical measuring nets

Legnickie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociógów i Kanalizacji, Legnica

Monitoring tensions GSM.

MPWiK Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji, Lubin

Teletransmision system to control water in Zakład Uzdatniania Wody SUW-Gola. Monitoring in net GSM.

KGHM Polska Miedź o/Huta Miedzi Głogów

Teletransmision system to control in radio net trunking LgomNET.